Sunday, February 22, 2009

It's been awhile since I have written anything. I am not keeping up on this daily like I would like too.. By the end of the day I am just plain wore out. Right now it's girl scout cookie season so that wipes me out even more and not to mention the fact that my co-leader basically quit.. Well It's a long story but she and me started when the girls were in 1st grade. She was a single mom of 5 kids and works full time, the youngest has autism. Her other kids are involved in all kinds of sports, so she really didnt have the time to commit to anything. Her son's speech therapy ended up as the same nights as your meetings so she would never show up for the meetings and now that the girls are getting older, she was not making it to any field trips. So I basically told her that it was time for her to step down. Her x ( The kid's father died suddenly from a heart attack in June) So she has had a lot on her plate. I recently asked another mother to help. Her name is Lisa but she has not given me a definte yes... and I don't want to force her into it but she has been helping out a ton.

The kids birthday's are coming up Conner will be 3 and Taylor will be 9.. Where did that time go ? We are doing a dual party for them at Pump it up in Tempe from 3;15-5:15. It's much cheaper that way. Jason's Birthday is the 1, Conner's is the 3rd and Taylor's is the 4th. What was I thinking ? And of course it's in the middle of cookie booth time.

March 6-9 Jason is going on his man trip. They usually do it the second week in March but had to do it the beginning due to the fact they are going to lake powell this year and it's cheaper on that weekend. They usually just camp. I like the fact that he gets to go hang with his buddies but it gets tiring for me because I have to be with the kids 24 hours a day and it gets lonely. Plus I dont really like being alone in a house.. I hear noises..( All goes back to my childhood when I Was a kid about 8 coming home from church and someone shot a gun at the neighbor''s house across the street. I still remember that to this day. It's very vivid.

For the kids birthday we got them a swing set. It's huge and I just worry about conner falling off. The other one we had for 7 years and it was just buckling and not fun for the other kids. Jason and his brother Troy put it up although it still needs to get stuff finished on it.. It took almost 2 days.. crazy but the kids will enjoy it in the long run.

Taylor and I had a cookie booth today and it went ok but their were quite a few people turning us down but we did sell 78 boxes. What ever our troop does not sell we have to buy back so we try and sell as much as we can.

Well I should get some sleep, I know this blog really rambled. I wil post some pictures of my new niece katie, I got to see her this weekend at Jake's (My nephews 5th birthday party.

Speaking of dreams, Do you ever have dreams that you keep replaying in your head and you are wondering if it was real or you just made it up. I keep having some strange dreams about my old grade school... not anything that harmed me but just weird ones.

Time for sleep

Busy day tomorrow.


1 comment:

Cherrie said...

Kelly it sounds like you need some "me time". Maybe take a bubble bath and relax! Take care and try to get some rest!