Saturday, January 10, 2009

Haven't got time for the Pain....

I believe there is a song by Carol King that says. I havent got time for the pain. I was trying to find out if she sang it but I couldnt find it. All I know is that I have pain and I don't have time for it.

Girl scout cookies sales start today!! Of course right before my busy time I manage to injure my Knee. I have had problems with it since the summer. I went in and got a x-ray done but they couldn't find anything wrong with it. I have had on and off pain. Sometimes bad where I can't sleep at night or sometimes it acts fine.

Wednesday I took the kids to the park. Conner decided to be his crazy self and run off into a field. He got pretty far away before I manage to get him but in the meantime between trying to grab him from the field, I had to run and get Logan to come with me and then head out to get Conner. In that time I manged to hurt my leg, although I never heard a pop and actucally I didnt even realize I had pain until I got home. I layed down and thought.. Ouch.. this is more painful then usual. Later that night I had such much pain even when I stood. My knee became hard and stiff and I couldnt move it and if I even tried, It was horrible pain. I took some Tylenol and went to bed early.. But that whole night I tossed and turned and couldnt get sleep because I was in pain. Poor Jason I woke him up a lot. The next morning I Woke up at 5:30 am. It was so bad that I was crying. I called Sherry to tell her that I needed her to take Hannah to School. I called my dad to see if he could take Taylor to school. I called my mom to see if she could take off work and help me with Logan and Conner and I called Jason as well to see if he could take time off..

I just wanted to say that I have a wonderful supportive family because right away everyone was there for me. Jason took me to urgent care while my mom and grandma stayed with the kids.
I ended up getting x-rays although those came back negative and normal. But they diagnosed me with something called Chondromalica Patella. Basically its behind your knee cap and its the groove that makes your knee move up and down. It's not gliding like it sh ould it's stuck.. They recommended Physical therapy and to go see a foot doctor( I have had pigeon toes from the time I was born) I wore braces on my legs for almost 2 years. They said later in life I may have problems with my knees and hips.. So here I am.. I am sure the weight has not helped either.. Just sped it up..I can't take any ibprofen for the pain or swelling but they have me on the viacidon. I am trying to really stay off that unless really needed..

I am doing better today but am dreading all the work that goes into girl scout cookie sales.
If you would like some cookies let me know :) We will till January 24th to get pre orders in.

1 comment:

Cherrie said...

Hope you get feeling better!